Alabaster sacrificial altar, 3200-2650 BC

Alabaster sacrificial altar, 3200-2650 BC
Period:Egypt, Early Dynastic Period/Thinite Period, Early Dynastic Period/Thinite Period
Dating:3200 BC–2650 BC
Material:Calcite - alabaster
Physical:36.9cm. (14.4 in.) - 7000 g. (247.1 oz.)

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Early-dynastic alabaster bowl, 3100-2686 BC
Gilded wooden statuette. Early Dynastic
Stone alabastron, 3150-2700 BC
Stone alabastron, Egypt, 3200-2800 BC
  This alabaster sacrificial altar provides a shallow depression on a disk shape with a regular rim, three lugs to use as handles, and a thick stubby spout. It may come from as early as Dynasty 0, but no later than Dynasty 3, just after the Thinite Period (3200-2650 BC).

Bibliography (for this item)

Adams, Barbara
1988 Predynastic Egypt. Shire, Princesss Risborough, United Kingdom.

Arnold, Dorothea (editor)
1999 When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art of the Old Kingdom. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY.

Charron, Alain
1990 L’époque Thinite. In l’Egypte des Millenaires Obscurs. p. 78-98. Hatier et Musées Nationaux, Paris, France.

Durand, Agnès
1990 Ces Millenaires que l’on dit obscurs. In l’Egypte des Millenaires Obscurs. p. 15-18. Hatier et Musées Nationaux, Paris, France.

Hoffman, Michael A.
1991 Egypt Before the Pharaohs: The Prehistoric Foundations of Egyptian Civilization. 2nd edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX.

Rice, Michael
1991 Egypt’s Making: The Origin’s of Ancient Egypt, 5000-2000 B.C.. Routledge, New York, NY.

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